by Andre | Dec 3, 2017 | Drawings, Drawings in direct, Paintings, Portraits
The 2017 Sketchbook contains a variety of sketches conceived on different occasions. Some were done during my Drawing Club sessions in my studio, some at the Montreal Fine Arts museum, or in situ on the streets of Montreal. I like to draw fast and keep the drawing...
by | Jan 21, 2014 | Drawings, Drawings in direct
The 2014 Sketchbook contains selected sketches from the model sessions I am attending as often as I can. These sessions permit me to practice realistic drawing in a relatively systematic way. The practice of drawing is for me a kind of mental relaxation and a form...
by | May 1, 2012 | Art Essays, Drawings, Drawings in direct
This collection contains drawings from the series of quickly made sketches of a various subjects. I always have with me a sketchbook, and when possible I sketch what I see around. I use to draw the sanguine and watercolors. On occasion, I use other mediums too. The...