by | Oct 18, 2013 | Art Essays, Paintings, Satyrical artwork
The entire version of this thesis is available for downloading on the Concordia University Research Repository (PDF). Introduction Satire: the art which “afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted.” H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) (Roukes, 1997, p. 85)...
by | May 3, 2012 | Art Essays, Caricatures, Drawings, Drawings in direct, Satyrical artwork
I. Introduction. How does satirical art foster knowledge and visual literacy and why should it be taught? I would like to respond to this question by creating a series of satirical artworks through intrinsic content which I would propagate knowledge about “how to” and...
by | Jan 8, 2010 | Caricatures, Drawings
According to some scholars Annibale Carracci is the father of caricature. The way Carracci painted the features of human faces have certain characteristics of the caricature. Leonardo da Vinci and Giuseppe Archimboldo were also fascinated by the facial deformations. The sketches of their models could lead to such conclusion.