
Art Essays

Reflections on the Art of Caricature
I. Introduction. How does satirical art foster knowledge and visual literacy and why should it be taught? I would like to respond to this question by creating a series of satirical artworks through intrinsic content which I...
Life Drawings 2012
This collection contains drawings from the series of quickly made sketches of a various subjects. I always have with me a sketchbook, and when possible I sketch what I see around. I use to draw the sanguine and watercolors. On...
Reflections on Deleuze’s concept of rhizome
The Deleuzeian rhizome theory states that the knowledge about the world is acquired freely and independently through a process of multiple non-hierarchical structures of representation and interpretation, without any...
Camera Bianca: Relational Me

Camera Bianca: Relational Me

The concept: Camera Bianca: Relational Me was born as a composite of various inspirations of which the leading force was the Marcel Duchamp’s final farewell artwork titled Étant donnés (1946-1966). Duchamp was working on this...

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Mona Lisa – the most intriguing painting

Mona Lisa – the most intriguing painting

Mona Lisa,1 the portrait of a beautiful Florentine woman is probably one of the most known feminine images in the world, painted by the greatest artist of The Italian Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci. Since 500 years its magnifying power has been inspiring unsolved...

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Van Dongen: A Fauve in the City.

Van Dongen: A Fauve in the City.

The reputation of Paris as a leading center of important economic, socio-political and cultural changes was already well established in European social circles at the beginning of the twentieth century. The artists from around the world were crossing each other on the streets of Paris, pursuing their dreams for a success and recognition of their talent.

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