

The One on One drawing course – Le cours de dessin un à un




I am offering courses to schools, libraries, and cultural institutions.
I also teach on individual bases and in groups.

The courses are offered  in four languages: French, English, Greek, and Polish.

Courses and lectures at public schools and libraries:

All courses are conducted in two or four hours sessions in respect to the established prices by the governmental regulations.

Drawing courses:



Les sessions de la pratique du dessin réaliste – Le cours est pour tous ceux qui veulent maitriser leurs habilités en dessin. Dans le programme les sessions du dessin en place (dans les mussées, studio, centres commerciaux, et c.)

Les groupes seront formés de minimum 4 et maximum 6 personnes. Le cout par personne est $300,- + taxe pour 7 sessions de trois heures chaque. 

Sessions commence samedi de midi a 15 heures.

Vous pouvez vous inscrire par téléphone : 514-237-1713, ou par courriel :



The Drawing Practice Sessions – This course is for those willing to get better in their drawing skills. In the program will be many “in situ” sessions (museum, city, park) and studio, where everyone will be instructed about how to start and how to proceed and succeed in drawing architectural forms, still life compositions, life models, and portraits. The subject of each session will be adjusted accordingly to the group participants’ personal interests in their respective drawing practice.

The groups will be formed from minimum 4 to maximum 6 persons. The cost by person is $300,- + tax for 7 sessions of 3 hours each. Sessions starts Saturday from noon to 3 PM.

The inscriptions are by phone: 514-237-1713, or email:


Drawing Courses

1st level consists of 8 sessions of two hours each (it could be extend or rearrange accordingly)

2nd level consists of 10 sessions of two hours each (flexibility to rearrange the hours accordingly)

Introduction to the basic principals of drawing techniques, including compositions, perspective, architecture, portraits, still live, drawing in direct with model and a various mediums. Students will be ask to practice certain exercises necessary to practice the coordination between the mind and the hand.

Advanced level

Practicing drawing in various locations and work on specific projects under close supervision.

Painting courses:

1st level consists of 8 sessions of three hours each (it could be extend or rearrange accordingly)

2nd level consists of 10 sessions of three hours each (flexibility to rearrange the hours accordingly)

Introduction to the basic principals of painting techniques, including compositions, perspective, architecture, portraits, still live,  painting in direct with model and the use of various mediums.

Advanced level

Practicing painting in various locations and work on specific projects under close supervision.

Comics books drawing courses:

Introductory level consists of 8 sessions – three hours each (it could be extend or rearrange accordingly)

Introduction to the creative and technical process of comic panel structures, including varieties of  materials and equipments possibilities.

Advanced level

Working on specific projects under close supervision.

Caricatures drawing courses:

Introductory level consists of 10 sessions – two hours each (it could be extend or rearrange accordingly)

Introduction to the anatomic perception of facial particularities, including technical exercises for hand flexibility, and practice on models under close supervision.

Cartoons drawing courses:

Introductory level consists of 10 sessions – two hours each (it could be extend or rearrange accordingly)

Introduction to various technical and practical aspects of cartooning, including composition, materials, necessary equipment, competitions, and publishing process.

Advanced level

Practicing the art of cartoon under close supervision working on specific projects.

Illustrations drawing courses:

Introductory level consists of 10 sessions – two hours each (it could be extend or rearrange accordingly)

Introduction to various technical and practical aspects of the illustrator profession, including practicing under close supervision.

You can contact me for specific information on the number:



or my e-mail address: